Sunday, November 18, 2012

Chapter 5

            He had to be dreaming.  He kept thinking this as the van he now rode in moved quietly through the night towards a place called Four Crossings.
            The woman had said that it was 2032, and though he wanted to deny her words, there were too many things not making any sense right then.
            One of those things was his own spotty memory.  He knew what year he thought it was, but if the woman was correct, he had lost 20 years.  That would make him almost sixty years old, but he definitely didn’t feel as if he were any older than the thirty-eight years he knew he had.
            He looked down at his own chiseled arms, chest, and abs, and knew that he didn’t look like he was nearly sixty years old either.
            His memories told him his age, but there were missing things that worried him, one of those being his name.  How could he know his age but not his name?  Or the names of his family members?  Did he have a family?  If he did, were they still alive now?
            He closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the wall of the van.  He could tell by how the van was swaying that they were moving at a high rate of speed, but the other woman was driving with such skill that he wasn’t being tossed around much at all.  He was grateful for the seatbelt though, and thinking about the belt made him think about the woman who had buckled him into the seat.
            She was startling, with her large green eyes, flowing black curls, and her caramel skin tone.  But even more startling was her presence.  She held herself like someone with authority, reminding him of his former brigadier general. 
He frowned at the memory of the man, whose face he could see in his mind, but whose name was eluding him.  He tried to focus on the image of the man’s face, but it was like a fading photo, fuzzy around the edges.  The harder he thought about it, the blurrier the image became and he started to notice a sharp pain ebbing in his head.
He released the fuzzy memory with an audible groan.  He should be glad that he was having any memories at all, but the desire to know who he was, and why he was here made him impatient to remember more.
He opened his eyes and looked towards the front of the van to find the woman watching him with concern in her eyes.  Neither said anything as they stared at each other in silence.  After a few moments she seemed satisfied that he was alright and faced forward again. 
He continued to watch her for a few more minutes before he again closed his eyes and rested back against the van.  Maybe if he sat there quietly and thought about nothing, something would come to him.  It wasn’t likely to work, but it was all he could think of to try.

Des had heard him groan and had immediately turned to see if he was in distress.  She could see a frown on his face but his eyes were closed.  She had started to unbuckle her belt and go back to him when his eyes had opened and found hers in the darkened van.
She had been glad they were still a light shade of brown and not that steely silver that boded nothing but trouble, but she had watched him for a bit longer until she was satisfied that he was alright.
Or, as alright as a half-naked cyborg who thought it was 2012 and who had tried to kill her could be.
Des stared vacantly through the front windshield, trusting Esme to get them back to the club in on piece.  They needed to get back and get the “weapon” hidden before the transporter arrived at the station without its cargo.
But how was she going to hide someone of his size?  He would stand out in Four Crossings due to his sheer size alone.  If he went out in public he was going to attract a lot of attention.
The government had eyes and ears everywhere, and the minute they realized their weapon was AWOL, they were going to be looking for him.  The odds of them not knowing what he looked like were slim to none.  And if by some miracle they did not know what he looked like, a man of his size was sure to be the number one candidate, especially if he said anything about it being 2012.
Des had just started to think that at least they would have time before anyone came looking for him when an alarm began to beep in the van.
“Shit!”  Esme reached up to turn the alarm off and then looked at her sister.
“They’re either radar sweeping or setting up a road block.  Either way, we’ll have the government on our asses in less than ten.”
Des narrowed her eyes and then glanced back at the man who was now watching both women with a question on his face.
“Can we run to Moan and beat them there?”
Esme flipped on her onboard radar system and immediately shook her head.
“This is looking more and more like an Arguletti set up.  There are at least twenty government trucks converging on us right now.”
Des grunted at her sister’s words.  Arguletti was a dead man when she next saw him.
“Hidey-Hole?”  Esme’s suggestion was likely their only choice.  But they had never tried to hide someone the size of this man at one of their transfer stations.
Des nodded reluctantly.  “If you think you can make it.”
Esme smiled.  “Oh, I’ll make it. But you’d better go back there with the big guy and let him know what’s up.”
Des nodded again and then unhooked her belt so she could climb into the back of the van.
The man seemed to sit up straighter as he saw her coming.
“Something’s wrong.”
Des nodded as she dropped into a crouch next to him.
“Yeah, we’ve got someone who’s going to try to stop us from getting to safety, so we’re going to have to take a slight detour.”
She tried to smile but knew that her effort fell short.  He studied her face closely before he finally spoke again.
“Am I placing you in danger?”
Des shook her head quickly.  “No.  I placed myself in danger and in turn, I placed you in danger.  Now I have to make sure that you’re safe.”
Des could see the frown forming on his face at her words and almost smiled at how ludicrous the situation truly was.  The man could easily snap her in two, and had tried to less than an hour earlier.  Now here she was protecting him.   
He started to say something but Des held a hand up to forestall him.
“We can talk later when we get to the safe house.  We’re going to need to hit the ground running as soon as Esme stops the van.  Do you think you can keep up with me without shoes?”
The man looked like he wanted to push the issue and ask the question on the tip of his tongue, but after a moment’s hesitation he gave her a short nod.
Des rewarded him with a brilliant smile that immediately made him catch his breath.  She truly had a radiant smile that lit up her whole face.  If he had thought her striking before, he now knew her to be truly beautiful.
She started to say something but stopped when her sister brought the van to a shuddering halt.  The motion was so sudden that she was thrown violently to the side and was only saved from flying across the van by his arm coming out to catch her.
The motion was a blur and Des doubted she would have seen him if she hadn’t been staring at him directly.  As it was she only caught the motion out of the side of her eye in the same instant that she felt his strong arm clamp around her waist and pull her back towards him.
She freed herself quickly and scrambled to her feet, shooting a glance towards her sister in the front of the van.
“A little warning next time, E!”
Esme turned around with a frown on her face.
“No time.  You have to get moving.  I can’t get you any closer without driving right into one of their radar traps.  You’ll have to hoof it a bit farther than normal.”
Des caught and held her sister’s gaze for a long breath before she turned to the man and quickly undid his harness.
“Run where I run, and stay on the path.  There are traps set along the way that I don’t want you to step in.”
She didn’t give him time to respond, turning and heading to the back of the van.  She threw the doors open and jumped down.  Glancing back at him, she gestured for him to follow with her head before she disappeared into the darkness.
He moved quickly to follow her, jumping down from the van and rounding the corner to find her looking up and down the road as if she expected to see something or someone.  Noticing him, she gave her sister one last look before she turned left and edged into the underbrush.
He glanced at the woman driving the van too and noticed her running her hands through her hair.  He wanted to stay and watch her to see what she would do.  Why was she staying behind while they went to a safe house?
But he knew if he hesitated too long he might lose the woman he was to follow.  At that thought he felt something click inside of his mind and a hazy film seemed to slide down over his eyes.  He didn’t know what he was feeling or seeing, but he realized right away that he could now see as clearly as if it were daylight outside.
He turned towards where the woman had gone and was able to see the impressions of her footprints in the hard earth.  A part of him knew that he wasn’t seeing actual impressions and was likely seeing some sort of residual heat signature, but he didn’t have time to think about it.
Filing that information away, he bolted after the woman, following her footsteps deeper into an area he could only call a swamp.

Des didn’t bother to look back to see where the man was.  Somehow she knew he was behind her.  It was like she could feel his presence, the heavy thudding of his footsteps as he thundered after her.
She hoped he took direction well, as she hadn’t been kidding about the traps set along the sides of the path they were taking.  She knew about them because she and Esme had set them.  Anyone unfamiliar with the area would never see most of them until it was too late.
Someone familiar with the area would see most of them but not realize the danger.  That was the beauty of using nature to help you set defensive traps.
Des knew that they had at least two miles to cover from the point where Esme had been forced to let them out.  She usually tried to reach the top trail, as they called it, where it was less than a mile to the safe house.  But with the government converging, they had been forced to go with the less attractive bottom trail.
The path was so narrow in some places that the overhanging trees gave the impression that the path disappeared completely.  You could squeeze through them but the branches and leaves would do their best to mark you as you passed.
Des didn’t try to move stealthily on this night.  Speed was more important than silence and they needed to make sure they were out of sight before the drones were sent out.  Thinking of the drones, Des glanced up out of reflex as if to see if they were already out.
Seeing nothing, but feeling as if time were running out, she increased her pace, dodging low branches with the practiced ease of someone who had used this path a number of times.  Normally she wouldn’t have moved this quickly when she had someone with her, but she had a feeling that the man would be able to keep up with her easily.
Breathing heavily she burst through one final gauntlet of trees and slowed to a stop in a small clearing.  Before she could even catch her breath the man was beside her and to her disgust, not breathing anywhere near as heavily as she was.
He stood in the clearing silently looking around and obviously trying to figure out why they were stopping.
She answered his unspoken question.
“We’re here.”
He did another quick turn around and then gave her a confused look.
She smiled slightly and pointed towards what looked like more of the forest.  “We go in through there.”
            Sucking in one last large breath, Des approached the trees and then dropped to all fours and began to crawl underneath into the darkness.  She came through quickly onto the other side and stood up in a dark space with no lights to guide her.
            She moved by memory, crossing over to a brick wall that she knew was there.  She heard the man enter the space but continued towards the wall.  She placed her palms against the cool bricks and slowly began moving them around in circles.  She was looking for a specific mark on the bricks that would tell her where she was.
            After a few seconds her right hand found the mark and she was able to orient herself to where the lever to open the hidden door would be.  Even with knowing the starting point, she would have to move carefully to locate the lever.
            Inching her hands to the right she started counting bricks.  She heard the man moving to come near her and her concentration broke.  She sighed at herself and moved back to the left to relocate the dimple.
            Starting over, she moved to her right and continued to count the bricks.  When she had found the brick she wanted, she inched her way downwards towards the floor.  She had just reach the next indicator when the man spoke behind her.
            “What are you looking for?”
            Des was surprised that he could tell she was looking for something considering how dark it was in the space.  Not willing to take her mind off of her task she answered him absent-mindedly.
            “There’s hidden lever on this wall.  I need to find it so that I can open the door.”
            She went back to her counting and had just reached her next marker when the man brushed up next to her, took her hand and moved it to a point on the wall.
            “Is that it?”
            Des stood there in shocked silence as she felt her hand make contact with the lever.  She turned to ask him how he had known where the lever was but was brought up short by the silver sheen over his eyes.
It wasn’t quite the same as the steely silver look she had seen him have before. This time she could actually see his irises beneath the silver.  But it was still unnerving to see the glow of his eyes in the dark space.
Wanting to move away from him in case he was heading towards a meltdown, she pulled the lever quickly and felt the wall swing inwards away from them.
            She stepped into the front room of the hidden house and immediately switched on a light.  She turned back to the man and sought his eyes.
The silver sheen was gone and she wondered if it was because she had turned on a light.  Was the silver sheen some sort of night vision for his eyes?  Her hand went to the light switch again as if she were going to switch it off again, but she stopped inches from contact.
She could just ask him about his eyes, rather than playing games with the lighting.  She could also get them settled first.
Des sighed and gestured to the man.
“Why don’t you have a seat over there on the couch?  I’m going to see if we have anything here that will fit you.”
The man moved to the couch without asking any questions or complaining.  Des watched until he sat down before she left the room and headed back into the back of the house.
She seriously doubted that there was going to be much to choose from, but she would at least likely find him a shirt to wear.  She smiled slightly to herself as she navigated the hallways.  It wouldn’t be too disappointing if she couldn’t find him a shirt, though.

The couch he sat on wasn’t very comfortable, but the woman had asked him to sit there, so he had.  He could hear her in the rear of the house sliding drawers open and closed.  He wondered at his ability to hear her so well and added it to his list of things to figure out, along with his ability to see so clearly at night.
He wondered if those answers would be easier to come by than pieces of information he was missing, like his name.
He frowned again as he tried to search his mind for that one simple piece of information.  What was his name? Who was he?  And why had he been on that transporter.
So engrossed in his thoughts he didn’t hear the woman return to the front room until her voice finally penetrated his fog.  Her hands were full of what looked like camouflage gear and she was looking at the clothing rather than him as she crossed the room.
“I’m not sure which of these shirts will fit but I’m betting on the black one.  As for the pants, we may have to just cut the legs out and go with shorts – I don’t think they’ll be long enough for you.”
She finally looked up at him when she was in arms reach and froze in her tracks.  She was staring at his face intently and he wondered what she saw.  Was there something wrong with his face that he didn’t know about?  Considering he didn’t even know what he looked like, it would be a bit of a blow to find out that he had some sort of deformity.
She took another step towards him and then handed him the clothes.
“Put these on.  I’ll be right back.”  She turned smartly on her heels and returned to the back of the house.
The man shook the pile of clothing out and remembering what she said, decided to try on the black shirt first.
It was definitely a tight fit but he was able to get the shirt over his head, and the arm holes even accommodate his massive biceps.
He looked at the camo pants and saw the same thing she must have seen – the pants would fit his waist but the length would be way too short.  Grasping one of the legs at the bottom, he pulled until the seam split to where the knee would be.  He did the same to the other leg and then moved quickly to drop the cloth he wore and slide the pants into place.
The pants hit him on his upper calves, which bulged through the openings he had made when he ripped the seams.  It wasn’t the most comfortable outfit he had ever worn, but it was better than running around with nothing but a cloth wrapped around his waist.
He had just returned to the couch when she came back in the room with what looked like a first-aid kit in her hands, and another bundle under her arms.
She stopped short when she saw him sitting there, and her lips quirked up on one side.
He glanced down at his outfit and then back at her and couldn’t help the small smile that touched his lips.
He shrugged slightly.  “They don’t quite fit, do they?”
Des shook her head and took the last few steps to stand in front of him on the couch.
“No, they don’t quite fit.  But,” she dropped the bundle into his lap and set the kit on the couch beside him, “it’s better than nothing.  And we’ll find you something that fits later.”
He nodded at her and then looked at the bundle in his lap.  “What’s this?”
Des sat down on the empty coffee table across from him and gestured towards the bundle.  “Socks, another shirt, and it’s wrapped in a sweatshirt that will likely be a bit too tight as well, but it’s too cold for you not to have something.
He started to tell her that he didn’t feel the cold, but kept the information to himself.  Instead he unrolled the bundle to pull out the socks.  Though he wasn’t cold, it would be nice to have something on his feet since he didn’t have any shoes.
He moved to pull the socks apart but she stopped him.
“Not yet.  I need to treat your feet first.”
He looked at her in confusion and then looked down at his feet.  He didn’t see anything on the tops of his feet but when he lifted his left one, he noticed the blood that smeared along the arch.  He poked the area with his thumb and didn’t notice any pain but there was clearly a gash there.
He put his foot back down and looked at her in surprise.
“How’d you know I had cut my feet?”
She shrugged slightly before she pointed behind her.  “You left a trail on the floor.”
He followed her arm and noticed the bloody footprints that came directly to where he now sat on the couch.
“Sorry about that.”
She waved away the apology.  “Don’t worry about it, the floor will come clean.  But we need to clean up those cuts so that you don’t pick up an infection.”

Des gestured with both hands for him to give her his foot.  He looked a little uncomfortable at first but finally lifted his leg and put his foot into her hands.
Des assessed the bloody, muddy mess and was glad to see that most of the cuts were superficial and did not seem to cause him any discomfort.  She reached over and grabbed the first aid kit, and pulled out a large bottle of saline, some gauze pads, band-aids, and anti-bacterial ointment.
She saw him looking at the saline so she turned the bottle’s label towards him.  “To clean the dirt and blood off.’
He nodded and since he didn’t seem to have any other questions, Des concentrated on the task at hand.
The mud came away fairly easily but the blood continued to flow from a few of the gashes.  Des concentrated on the cuts nearest his toes first and slowly worked her way down, cleaning and covering the larger gashes with gauze and some of the smaller ones with band-aids.
He had large feet and it took Des a good fifteen minutes to finish the first one.  She stole glances at him periodically as she cleaned, checking to see if he had any reactions to her poking and prodding.
She always found him watching her with an impassive expression on his face, and no indication that her ministrations affected him at all.
When she finished with his right foot she started to put it down but hesitated.
“I think you’d better put the sock on before we put your foot back on the floor.”
He nodded, shook the socks out and levered his right foot into one before he put it back on the floor.  Then he lifted his left foot into her lap without her having to ask.
Des fought another smile as she thought again of how much he reminded her of one of her lost children.  They never complained either, and settled into an ease with Des and Esme that they did not often have with anyone else.
This man seemed to be settling into an ease with her that definitely made her job easier as she tried to mend his wounds.  And, she thought wryly, he wasn’t trying to kill her anymore.
She ministered to his left foot in the same manner as the right, but much more quickly as that foot seemed to have suffered less damage.
When she dipped back into the first aid kit for an alcohol swab she could see the confusion on his face.
Des tried to give him a reassuring smile.  “I need to treat your face, too.”
He reached a hand up to touch his cheek, “My face?  I have cuts on it too?”
Des grimaced slightly.  “Sort of.  You have a few scratches on both cheeks from my fingernails.”
His hand moved but he couldn’t seem to feel the scratches she could see.
Des held up the alcohol swab.  “They aren’t deep and they didn’t bleed, but I really think I should clean them out.”
She expected him to hesitate at the idea of the alcohol swab but again he simply nodded and dropped his hand so that she could access the scratches on his cheek.
Des stood up to better reach his face and found she liked it better when she could tower over him for once.  But even sitting down, there was no denying the sheer size of the man.
Des made short work of washing the scratches on his face, again marveling at the fact that he didn’t even flinch at the sting she knew he must have felt.
Feeling as if she had done all she could, Des picked up the trash and the kit and took them out of the room.  She could feel his eyes on her back as she left the room and she wondered what he was thinking.
She knew what she was thinking.  Where had this man come from?  She shook her head as she started back in the room to face him.  That wasn’t the real question – the real question was, how in the hell was she going to figure out how to use this man to her advantage?
Because though she didn’t know exactly who he was or what he could do, she had no doubt that he signified a change in the power structure within Four Crossings.  And whoever controlled him would control the city.

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