Sunday, November 4, 2012

An Introduction...

For those who know me, I've been trying to write a book for over five years now.  I have over thirty in the works, but have yet to finish one.  The biggest issue for me has always been that my stories come to me in fits and bursts.  This is not conducive to me completing a story in a timely manner!  But one story has been with me for over two weeks now, and I've been compelled to work on it every day.  That story is Four Crossings, and it's heroine, Desdemona "Des" Quinn (and her sister, Esmeralda) have been haunting my sleep for those entire two weeks.  I have to tell their story or I won't get any rest.

Despite this drive to write, the story is still coming in fits and bursts, so I will post it here as I finish each chapter.  My goal is to post at least one chapter a week - sort of like an online series.  I may post additional chapters during a week if I really get into the flow.  Please leave comments and suggestions on the story if you decide to read it.  I welcome them all.  I don't consider myself to be a true author - I'm just someone who felt she had a story to tell.  I hope you like it.

Disclaimer: This is not a PG story.  If you have issues with imagery that includes sex, violence, and crude language, then you might not want to read this story.  If you don't mind those things, then read on.  Don't worry, it doesn't get graphic, but Four Crossings isn't a place to take your children, and Desdemona Quinn isn't about to apologize to anyone.

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